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Formally referred to as DLR-Certificate Cockpit, this assessment is an evaluation developed and administered by Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (The Institute of Aerospace Medicine) which evaluates candidates against psychological criteria established by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency).
Two versions of evaluation are available, BU/GU and FQ/FU, with the latter aimed at those applicants who have previously undertaken the BU/GU variant.
Evaluation may be undertaken by the applicant on a date they choose and is undertaken on-site in Hamburg, Germany or in Zurich, Switzerland.
Please note that this Knowledgebase Article provides information regarding the BU/GU variant of the DLR-Certificate Cockpit Evaluation and is not relevant to the FG/FU variant.
As of 12th December 2024, the information provided below is being improved and refined to provide greater detail to applicants of this assessment type.
The DLR Pilot Assessment includes the following modules:

The ENS test module incorporated into the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate understanding of the English Language, requiring the examination of idioms, identification of synonyms, correction of spelling errors and confirmation of appropriate grammar.
To accompany the extensive variety of questioning, this test module is separated in to different sections and presents the candidate with multiple-choice answers to each question.
No. of Questions: 60
Time Available: 25 Minutes
Use our Grammar, Spelling, Synonyms and Vocabulary activities in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning presented in the above module.
Additionally, consider using our Attention activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to further familiarise yourself with the English Language.

The PPT test module incorporated into the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate understanding of spatial transformation, requiring the examination of a series of two-dimensional cube nets and subsequent selection of a cube which corresponds to each cube net shown.
In this test module, questions are provided with multiple-choice answers, each depicting a constructed cube.
No. of Questions: 40
Time Available: 20 Minutes
Use our Cubes activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The ROT test module incorporated into the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate understanding of spatial transformation, requiring the candidate to follow the rotation of a cube, narrated by an audio statement, and to identify the final resting position of the coloured, or marked, position of the cube.
In this test module, questions are provided with multiple-choice answers, each depicting a constructed cube with a coloured or marked side.
No. of Questions: 30
Time Available: TBC
Use our Rotating Cubes activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The VFF test module incorporated into the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability to concentrate, requiring the candidate to interrogate a selection of large-scale drawings, identifying and confirming the presence of one of four particular shapes which may be hidden amongst the shapes and lines of the drawing.
No. of Questions: 24
Time Available: TBC
Use our Hidden 1 and Hidden 2 activities in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of the above module.

The WFG test module incorporated into the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate understanding of spatial transformation, requiring the candidate to examine a series of line drawings, each randomly-generated by computer and depicting the start and finish of a route.
In this test module, the candidate must correctly identify the number of left or right turns shown within the route.
No. of Questions: 16
Time Available: 10 Minutes
Use our Turns activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The MIC test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability in multi-tasking, hand-to-eye coordination and auditory monitoring.
In this test module, the candidate is presented with the instruments of an aircraft - an Airspeed Indicator (ASI), a Direction Indicator (DI) and an Altimeter, as well as a clock, replicating the simulation of a light aircraft.
Throughout the duration of the test, the candidate must manoeuvre the aircraft to maintain speed, heading and altitude specified by the computer, and must also engage within a secondary task, requiring the monitoring of audio statements.
No. of Tasks: Infinite
Time Available: Approx. 40 Minutes (inc. 20 Minutes of Preparation)
Use our Simulate activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of the above module.
Additionally, within our simulation you may adjust the Intensity of the simulation, insert Turbulence and enable display of an Artificial Horizon to better aid your preparation.

The RAG test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability in mathematical comprehension, requiring application of basic and advanced mathematical concepts to calculate the required answers.
This test module comprises questioning in areas such as complex operation, percentages, the rule of three and also includes questioning which require understanding of equations used in speed, distance and time calculations.
No. of Questions: 15
Time Available: 5 Minutes
Use our Word Problems activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning.
Additionally, use this activity in Customisation Mode to manipulate your exam environment and in CoPilot Mode to isolate and improve your weaknesses.
Plus, also use our Maths for DLR activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning, as well as the exact topics presented in the above module.

The KRN test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability in mathematical comprehension, and in particular, application of basic and complex operation to calculate the required answers.
In this test module, questions are narrated by an audio statement output by the computer and the candidate is required to enter their calculated answer in to an input field.
No. of Questions: 25
Time Available (per question): 10 to 30 Seconds
Use our Equate activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning, as well as comprehensive explanations for each equation.
Additionally, use this activity in Customisation Mode to manipulate your exam environment, adjusting question difficulty and modifying the quantity of questions as well as activity length.

The TVT test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability in scientific comprehension, requiring application of basic and advanced scientific concepts to provide the required answers to questions presented on screen.
This test module comprises questioning in areas such as force, motion and energy, as well as electricity, radiation and magnetism, and also includes questioning which requires understanding of mass, weight and gravity.
No. of Questions: 40
Time Available: 35 Minutes
Use our Science activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning, as well as the exact topics presented in the above module.
Additionally, use this activity in Customisation Mode to manipulate your exam environment and in CoPilot Mode to isolate and improve your weaknesses.

The ATPL test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate understanding of those thirteen topics included in Airline Transport Pilot Licence theoretical (ATPL) studies and their subsequent application in the professional pilot role.
This test module comprises questioning in areas such as aerodynamics, aircraft systems, human performance, navigation and meteorology.
No. of Questions: 30 to 40
Time Available: 30 to 35 Minutes
Use our numerous ATPL Knowledge activities in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to benefit from realistic simulations of questioning, as well as the exact mathematical topics presented in the above module.
Additionally, use these activities in Customisation Mode to manipulate your exam environment, and read comprehensive Explanations during examination.

The SKT test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability to concentrate, as well as their logical thinking ability, requiring the monitoring of the progression of coloured triangles, each containing varying quantities of dots and identifying, and then applying, the subsequent rules which depict their progression.
No. of Questions: 400 (separated in to 10 Sets)
Time Available: TBC
Use our Triangles activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The OWT test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate ability in memory recall, as well as their logical thinking ability, requiring the examination of a selection of clock faces displayed on screen, each with varying features, and subsequent recall of their attributes.
In this test module each clock face may be coloured black or white, may be circular or square and will have a scale unique to itself.
No. of Questions: 15 to 16
Time Available: 2.5 Seconds per Question
Use our Dials activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The RMS test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate memory recall ability, requiring the candidate to observe, memorise and recall a set of randomly-generated spoken numbers in reverse-order.
In this test module, the computer dictation of numbers and subsequent memorisation and recall of the numbers by the candidate is divided into tasks which are repeated throughout the duration of the test.
No. of Questions: 25
Time Available: TBC
Use our Numbers activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

The MEK test module incorporated in the DLR pilot assessment evaluates candidate memory recall ability, requiring the candidate to memorise a series of elements paired with randomly-generated numbers and to then successfully recall those elements, which are associated with numbers, at request of the computer.
In this test module, elements to be memorised may include coloured shapes, text or numbers, adding to the complexity of the test.
No. of Questions: 40
Time Available: Approx. 10 Minutes
Use our Visual Memory activity in both Normal Mode and Training Mode to engage with realistic simulations of the above module.

With a section dedicated to the DLR BU/GU Assessment, our one-of-a-kind software represents the ultimate way for you to get prepared.
By leveraging our cutting-edge software, including those unique features and extensive guidance not offered elsewhere, you can immerse yourself in realistic simulations, master those competencies assessed, and familiarise yourself with the methods and mechanisms of assessment.
Our software is backed by our meticulous attention to detail and deep expertise as experienced commercial pilots, empowering pilot applicants to approach their assessments with confidence and helping to propel them to supersonic levels of success.
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How can I prepare for my DLR pilot assessment?
The best way to prepare for your DLR pilot assessment is with our latest industry-leading software, developed over 5 years by experienced airline pilots. With realistic exam simulations, personalised Preparation Strategies which guide you through your preparation, immersive Explainer Videos, customisable Training Modes that manipulate your simulation environments, comprehensive Instruction and Guidance, and extensive performance feedback which incorporates unique features such as Predictive Scoring, a Strength & Weakness Map and Colour Coding, our unique software will help you to accelerate improvement of your problem areas and fly through each part of the DLR assessment. The software runs in a web browser, is compatible with laptop, desktop, tablet and smartphone, and is complimented with extensive support, provided from 9AM to 9PM GMT. To purchase a subscription to our software and start preparing for your DLR pilot assessment, click here!
What is the pass mark for the DLR pilot assessment?
Many pilot aptitude tests do not have a fixed threshold (or pass mark), but rather indicate the pilot candidate's overall performance and suitability using a variety of different methods - many of which are emulated within our software. Rather than worrying about a specific pass mark, the better approach is to focus on comprehensive preparation that maximizes your chances of success within each part of the DLR pilot assessment. Our industry-leading pilot preparation software provides that comprehensive preparation, helping you to develop the essential sklls, familiarity with assessment and confidence needed to perform at your best. If you have any questions about the DLR pilot assessment, please contact us.
How often is your DLR assessment preparation software updated?
Our pilot assessment preparation software is continuously updated, with daily improvements based on feedback from hundreds of monthly users. Developed by experienced airline pilots, the simulations provided within our unique software faithfully reflect the DLR pilot assessment, ensuring that you have the most current and comprehensive preparation. To see the recent updates to our preparation software, please visit our Updates page.
What support is available with your DLR assessment preparation software?
With our own industry experiences, we understand the pressures and stresses that come with preparing for pilot assessments. When you use our software to prepare for your DLR pilot assessment, you'll have access to exceptional support and guidance from our team of experienced airline pilots, provided between 9AM and 9PM GMT. This support sets us apart, helping you to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to approach your assessment feeling completely ready to demonstrate your true potential and fly past the competition at every stage of the DLR pilot assessment.
How quickly can I prepare for my DLR pilot assessment with this software?
If you'd like to start preparing for the DLR assessment, you may start using our software within as little as a few minutes. We offer access to our preparation software for 7 days, 1 month or 3 months, and provide the opportunity to purchase additional time. This ensures you can work through the comprehensive simulations, and benefit from our guidance at your own pace, with support available whenever you need it. To get started, choose a subscription duration to our preparation software, create an account and complete your purchase - then, login and begin your preparation. The entire process typically takes between 2-3 minutes, with secure payment by credit or debit card securely processed with Stripe or PayPal.
Feature-packed and one-of-a kind preparation software for your assessment.
Regularly updated, realistic and infinite simulations of aptitude tests.
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